
The information as included on our website is exclusively intended and meant as general information to which only Dutch law applies.

Due to the constantly changing laws and regulations, jurisprudence, and the risks of
electronic communication, delays, defects, and/or other inadequacies may occur in the general information provided on our website.

The information provided on our website cannot be regarded as advice. Therefore, no (legal) acts should be performed on the basis of the information obtained via our website without prior expert advice.
Although we exercise the greatest possible care in compiling and maintaining the information provided on our website, Ooms & Partners cannot guarantee that this information is complete, current, and/or accurate. Ooms & Partners, therefore, do not accept any liability for all possible forms of (direct or indirect) damage that could arise or arising from the use of the general information provided on our site.

Any third-party websites to which hyperlinks are included on our website are not checked, created, and/or maintained by Ooms & Partners. Ooms & Partners, therefore, accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of these websites.